Thursday, September 4, 2008

I don't like politics!

I had a revelation as I cleared the table after supper tonight -- I don't like politics! (I know, probably the only person in the world who doesn't!) But I started thinking about why I feel that way. It seems like every time I hear news commentators analyze the upcoming election I feel sick to my stomach. Political advertisements result in me changing the channel or turning off the television. Listening to people passionately defending their candidate of choice usually leaves me speechless. Yet it's not because I don't care . . . in fact, I care a lot.

So why the extreme reaction to politics? As I pondered this question while washing my crockpot, I came to a conclusion. It seems like so many times when people discuss political issues, they focus on matters of opinion rather than standing on principles of conviction. And that's where we get into trouble.

It's extremely rare to find even one other person with whom you agree on everything 100% of the time. My husband (whom I love dearly) and I often see things differently. Many of our friends and family have made different decisions in their lives regarding jobs and parenting than we have. The beauty of having a genuine relationship with another person is that it allows me to see past the differences between us so that I can truly appreciate what that person adds to my life.

If, as Christians, we spent less time expounding on our opinions and more time standing on our convictions, this world would be a different place. There are so many people across our nation that claim to be followers of Jesus -- so why do people have to depend on our government's social programs for food, housing, education and disaster relief? If we, as Christians, allowed our lives to be governed by the question "What would Jesus do?" what differences would be seen?

You see, I think God has some pretty clear ideas about foreign policy, domestic policy, the economy, marriage and the family, human life, education, energy . . . basically everything that candidates are discussing. And God's principles probably don't fit perfectly in either party's platform -- because God is not about campaigning for change . . . He IS the only agent of change! He is about transforming lives, communities, nations and our world. But it starts with each individual believer as we are willing to stand up and do what He tells us to do:
  • Humble ourselves
  • Seek Him
  • Repent

This is what I am purposing to do every time I get that sick feeling in my stomach this election season . . . I'm focusing on 2 Chronicles 7:14, which says, "If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." Will you join me? Our country does need change . . . but true change won't come from a political party; it only comes through the transforming power of Almighty God.


Edwena said...

I'll join you, Lisa, and I agree with what you wrote.

Mommy N said...

As much as I love the country I live in, I don't care for the political side of it either. Especially how it's dumbed our nation down and people have stopped depending on God and are trying to depend on the government. Thanks for sharing!
(B)FIAR friend