Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nature study

There are so many things I love about homeschooling - and one of the best things (in my opinion) is that we can learn in lots of different environments and settings . . . we aren't confined to the four walls of a classroom. Today was a perfectly gorgeous day, so we headed outside to do a little nature study.

This year in science we are studying animals - using Considering God's Creation as our spine. This week's focus: insects - so after studying the characteristics of an insect, we went outside to observe God's insect creations.

Lael enjoyed drawing what she saw, while Jaden preferred taking pictures.

Daddy even joined us for a bit!

While we were outside, we saw:
  • flies
  • ants
  • two different kinds of butterflies
  • a bumblebee
  • a moth
  • a cricket - although it was dead
Lael and Jaden are already looking forward to our next nature study day!

1 comment:

Edwena said...

Hi! Praying things are going well with your new little one at home. We too have used and loved Considering God's creation.