We are having such a fun week so far! Here's what we have going on:
- We are reading How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman . . .
we usually read it every year about this time just because it's such a fun book! We're working on an apple lapbook filled with all kinds of "delicious" information to go along with this great book! We'll also be taking an apple-picking field trip to wrap up our week of learning about apples
- To tie in with our apple book, we've been looking at "Still Life with Apples" by Paul Cezanne,
as well as some of his other artwork. This afternoon we are planning to try our own apple still life drawings with oil pastels . . . I'll be sure to post some pictures afterwards!
- Jaden has been enjoying his phonics program so much! I am using the Explode the Code primer series with him, and he is doing so well! The letter of the week for this week is S -- the first thing Jaden asked me when he woke up this morning was if I could print out an S book for him that he could read. (I use Reading A-Z's website for those.) So I printed out his book and he had it down pat before breakfast so he could read it to Daddy!
- Lael started Horizons 2 math today . . . and it was "easy-breezy" (her words)! Today's lesson even had a cross-number puzzle, which was new for both of us -- but lots of fun!
I have some other things I want to do this week, including:
- apple prints -- that's just a classic "must-do" project in fall
- History for Little Pilgrims - continuing on with the history in Genesis, including placing pictures on our timeline for the Tower of Babel and the flood
- writing apple cinquains
- cooking with apples -- maybe some apple bread or apple dumplings (yummy!)
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