Friday, March 3, 2017

Jesus is enough!

One of my goals for 2017 is to read books that will help me grow personally and in ministry. I started the year with Fresh Out of Amazing by Stacey Thacker. I determined that I'm not going to rush through it to check it off my list, but to allow God to use it to speak to me.

Here's the thought from chapter 5 that I'm contemplating tonight:
"Jesus is enough. Our life hidden with him in God is the enough we need. If we want streams of living water to flow in, we have to believe Jesus is enough. We don't need him AND something else. Nor do we need to know the how and the why. We simply need to receive and drink deeply of the grace-filled living water only Jesus offers."

In this season of Lent, leading up to Easter, I've been thinking about how many times I allow myself to be so filled with other things that I end up crowding out the One who is truly enough. I chafe when I have to be still, not wanting to be alone with my thoughts. I busy myself with action so I feel competent and productive . . . and worthy. As if my value is found in my busyness. As if somehow I can be enough.

But I'm not enough. Not for my husband or children. Not for those I'm privileged to serve in ministry. I'll never be enough as long as I'm trying to be enough. But when I realize that Jesus is enough, that His grace is sufficient for me because His power is at work in my weakness - in that moment, everything changes. In that moment, I can begin to receive what He has been longing to give: Himself.

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